Here we are in 2023, in Seattle. We’ve been working really hard, and we are ready to travel! The destination is the Maritime Provinces of Canada. It’s been on the bucket list for many years.
Our last big trip was in Europe, 2014-16, chronicled in this blog while underway. Since 2016 we’ve added to our life a house in Arizona, and traveled back and forth to Seattle by camping, through national parks and monuments, with visits to friends and geological wonders. We went to Peru and Ecuador in 2019, visiting friends in Mexico and Peru and seeing natural and cultural wonders. But somehow we didn’t blog about that trip. Covid hit in 2020 and we hunkered down in Arizona. I published a book (Making a Life: Photos of Whidbey in the 1970s) and Julianne became an expert gardener of native plants in the desert.
Anyway, in a few days, we’re off! Our situation determines some things about this trip. We sold our condo this spring, so we lost the Seattle parking place for our darling Scion. So, rather than take the train or fly, we will be driving from Seattle across mountains and prairies and past gigantic lakes to the mouth of the great St. Laurence River, opening to the Atlantic.

We’ll hang out in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland. More, we’ll pass through Maine, Massachusetts, and New York states on our way back to Canada at Niagara Falls, whereupon we’ll head west again to the Rockies. Turning left, we’ll keep the mountains on our right as we meander back to Arizona for a trip of 9,000 miles. Or so.
This blog will chronicle our trip, and we hope you will come along with us as we travel. – Nancy