About Me

This website operates as a summary of my art practice since I began expressing myself in images. It’s a replacement for my earlier website and the blog that we maintained while traveling. My artwork is mainly under Gallery, travel accounts under Blog, and personal information about me can be found in About, but they overlap. You can query me in Contact if you’re interested in available work (much is sold). Life and projects carry on, and I expect to add new work going forward, using particularly the Image of the Month to introduce additions.

Seattle, 1995

Seattle, 1995. I had come out of graduate school with a PhD (Anthropology, UWashington, 1989), a co-authored book on Hmong embroidery, and my own book on refugee adaptation (Changing Lives of Refugee Hmong Women, UW Press 1993)... but no academic job. So there I was, scuffling along indexing/editing books and dissertations, teaching part time, doing construction, and renting out a little house I had rehabbed, when a friend suggested I apply to a tech support company, of which there are many in Seattle. Three weeks later I was working at Microsoft. My life turned on a dime. Everything began looking up.

Art becomes possible!

There’s nothing like financial security! I had been going into art shops to finger the supplies, so now I could start playing with them. I trained as an oil painter at the Seattle Academy of Realist Art (now Gage Academy). Took a trip to Europe and another to Japan. Got familiar with gouache and watercolor. Started sketching everywhere. Traveled, worked at Microsoft, painted, sketched, traveled more, worked more, went to China, Thailand, Nepal, learned scratchboard, pastel, printmaking. Made photos. Traveled, more classes, kept working.

This went on six years. A lovely life, full of friends and purpose. I had lived alone for many years, when just like that, my partner appeared. Her job was in Washington, DC, so there we were, 2001-2014. She worked and traveled, I focused on glass sculpture. Went to museums, took classes, visited northern Europe, the Mideast, Thailand. Set up a website.


In Washington, I showed in galleries, sold work, got ambitious - but in 2009 my art sales just stopped. The bursting of the housing bubble wrecked the local art market and forced me to think. Am I interested primarily in making money? Am I trying to express my emotions and perceptions? Do I want to make earth-shaking art that will be important in 500 years (the ultimate fantasy)? What am I doing, and who is this for? What’s the point?

And beyond...

There’s no end to this question and its answers. I gave up oil painting (too toxic), gave up glass (too heavy). We went traveling in Europe (2014-16). When on the road there’s no substitute for drawing and watercolor, so I focused there. Presently I took up acrylics and printmaking. Played. Still playing. Sell art sometimes, I love that. But, playing is good. You'll find more about me (below) in the Art Challenge posts and the reviews. Hopefully this website will keep updating as time goes along.