Days 1 and 2, Seattle to the eastern part of British Columbia

Nancy Donnelly
May 12, 2023
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Our trip so far. We began yesterday, with a goal of making Nova Scotia in a few weeks. Never been across Canada like this. Hope you’ll like it.

Crossing the Columbia River at Vantage.
Cable car ride over the Spokane River in flood.
Huge Chinook salmon used to leap up this falls, but no more….dams put an end to the salmon runs. Spokane Historical Society has a good account of that, and some of some efforts to reestablish access for fish.
Coming into Canada via highway 95 from Idaho.
British Columbia is amazing. This sedimentary rock is about 360 million years old, when there was a shallow sea here and jillions of creatures left their lime-rich shells, that compressed to rock, which deformed from pressures of mountain-building, and then got scraped clean by glaciers not too long ago. How’s that for time in a nutshell? See for more.
Arrived this evening in Alberta.

Nancy on May 12, 2023.