East to Regina and beyond, on our fourth day of travel

Nancy Donnelly
May 17, 2023

Accident today. Driving along 70 mph on Canadian Hwy 1, heading toward Regina. All at once out of the blue a bang, a shudder, and a large bird tossed itself up over the windshield, and was gone! Just a glimpse, but Julianne saw it was a harrier hawk being chased by crows. Crows do this. We figured the hawk was in such a hurry he wasn’t watching where he was going. Not good. We felt bad.

Not good for the bird, either. Later, when we got to Winnipeg, we had it looked at, hoping for a fast repair But the mechanic pointed out that the hood is a bit sprung, and the whole thing needs to be replaced. So we made a report to the insurance company and are living with it for now.

This event rocked us a bit, and made the day darker. We did stop in Regina and meander hither and thither through neighborhoods and parks to get a sense of the city. Got some very good ice cream from a clone of Molly Moon. Visited Queen Elizabeth in bronze, and that was the day.

The queen visited Regina again and again, maybe 9-10 times over her life, and every time she was very welcome.

Thus a quiet day. We drove on and on, and finally stopped for the night in Moosomin. Don’t ask me why it’s called that. The same thinking that produced Moose Jaw, Seven Persons, Medicine Hat, and Qu’Appelle. Qu’Appelle = What’s It’s Name? A great name, really.

Nancy for May 14, 2023.