Bouquets in glass

Glass and concrete, 2012, 4’x6’

These bouquets are the same rods as Trajectories, re-arranged. They look so wonderful in sunlight! The transparent color on transparent glass gathers light, sparkles and glows, gives a sense of optimism and pleasure. It's a case where the medium and the meaning are tightly linked. I first thought to give them disc flowers (see "Wild Flowers") but didn't in the end. I was aiming for a sense of lightness and for clean lines.

The bases are concrete, cast into forms with 3/4” copper sleeves set into the concrete. When we left Washington DC, I discarded these bases, figuring I could always make more.

Here are the Bouquets clustered together instead of spread out in a row. They look wonderful weaving between each other, each color affecting the rest. This picture was taken inside the gallery, so the name is seen through the glass of the gallery.




Grand Old Man